Friday, August 28, 2009

Pasta Salad with Oriental Vinaigrette

I saw this pasta dish on a blog and liked it.  I have made it twice in 2 days.  Monica and Timothy really like it for their lunch and it is simple and healthy to make.  Here it is...

Oriental Vinaigrette
2 tbs red wine vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
assortment of herbs from the garden (basil, mint, chives, oregano...)
2 tbs soy sauce
1 1/2 tbs sesame oil
1/4 tsp black pepper and salt
dash of chili pepper

1 carrot
1 onion
1 small celery
3 cloves of garlic
tomato sauce 

Boil pasta as directed from the package.

Saute carrot, onion, celery, garlic for 5 min. add sausage and tomato sauce. 
In food processor, mix Oriental Vinaigrette content and mix with the rest of sauce. 
Add pasta and it's done!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Monica's Poem

Where I am From

By Monica Hsu

I am from colorful plastic IKEA cups and plates,

From my fuzzy reindeer slippers that never grow old.

I am from the worn-out play structure in my backyard,

That has been there since the 1st grade.

I am from the clean, fresh smell of the first summer rain,

From the familiar scent of fresh cut grass.

I’m from the smell of fruity shampoo steaming out of the bathroom after a warm shower,

And from the strong vanilla scent coming from the air freshener.

I am from Rachel Ray chopping away on onions and saying “delish!” on Food Network,

From Andrew Zimmern crunching loudly on Bizarre Foods.

I’m from the fruity smoothies my mom creates every night,

And the delicious, fast potstickers I can whip up in 10 minutes.

I am from the melt-in-your-mouth almond croissants from Peet’s,

From the amazing Flavor King Pluots from the Farmer’s Market that only come once a year.

I’m from the furry softness of my dog’s small head,

And the fuzzy cover on my chair.

I am from the polished white keys of the piano,

From the stiffness of a new karate gi.

I am from Bath and Body Works Hand Sanitizer,

From the display of my first ever ballet slippers.

I’m from the table filled with origami made by my mom,

And my on-going collection of Cutie stickers.

High school and Middle school started for Monica and Timothy

Can't believe it! I am a parent of high school and middle schooler. The first week was a little rough for Monica. High school is so BIG! she had issues with classes (Mandarin II) and locker.
Toward to end of the week, she was much better. I'm glad Phoebe is there for her, seems very comforting to have a Junior she know well in school. Timothy had a great week! Lots of familar faces. He says that people treats him differently in middle school. Don't know what he meant by that, I am sure it's a good thing. I paid by dues for hot lunch, PTA, year book, pictures. And volunteer for both schools. Looking forward to a great year!

