Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hold On Tight

I picked Monica from her piano lesson today and she says there was a small bird in Ms Anika's backyard and she saw it flew into window and heard a loud "BANG!" I know it's just a bird to some people, but to me, it means so much more. Every spring, lots of birds comes to garden.  They pollinate flowers and make our lives beautiful.  The bird seemed disoriented for few minutes and then it flew away.

And then I got to thinking.  The same is true with our lives. One minute you are doing fine... enjoying your life, spending times with your family and friends, relaxing in your home, and then, there it is! Something comes along and snatches your mid-flight, whisking you off into the unknown.  One of your children becomes sick, your spouse leaves you, you lost your job.... And just like that bird, in an instand, your handing on for dear life. Unsure what the future has in store for you.

And like the bird, sometimes we need to take a deep breath, hold on tight and see where the road takes us. Wait for life to slow back down so we can catch our breath once again.  We, too, will know when it's ok to let go. We'll know when it's safe to take flight again. We always do.

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