Saturday, August 30, 2014

Farm Visit

I feel very greatful to have a neighbor named Alice who owns a nonworking farm. I've always wanted to visit a farm. On this day, she picked me up and begin our journey drive down to Pescadero.
We stopped by Arcangeli Grocery Co to pick up their famous garlic herb and artichoke bread. Yum!

Then we went to her farm.

Alice and her husband own this farm in the late 70's. Alice's husband major in agriculture. When they brought the farm, he wanted asian pears, so they planted over 50 trees.

There were green houses with many different plants: I have never heard of ground cherry until today. 
Then there were squash and grapes.

Then we walked outside to see more trees: Alice says she likes apples, so her husband planted apples for her. 
There were pear trees from previous owner.

Then she took me to the backside of the farm for a tour. Alice's husband built these steps... there must be thousands of them because it's about 1 mile long. The creek is almost dry up, but there were still some water.

We saw lots of roses, but I only took a picture of this beauty.

Then she took me to another green house across the way. There were goji berries there.

And an old tractor!

We went outside around the corner, there were raspberries. I sample some :)  I have been eating nonstop this point... snacking asian pears, apples, goji berries, ground cherries....

Then she open another door to show me why her husband spent so much time here at the farm. An orchid farm!
So pretty :)

There is also a house there. This is a photo from inside the house. The field is empty right now, but in spring, there will be field of wild flowers.

The driveway. We say goodbye to the farm.

Then Alice took me to Pescadero State Beach. 
 She says in the 80's when they used to live here, they would come to the beach during sunset and hang out with the kids, so nice!
This was the end of the farm visit. We then drove home. What a fun day!

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