Friday, April 26, 2019

Vienna 2019

Day 1
We arrived in Vienna, checked into Hotel Das Tigra and explored the area
Since we live in zone 1, we walked right into Easter Market. I have never seen so many eggs in my life. The crazy things is that they are real and hand made, definitely a bonus for being here during Easter holiday.

Then we walked to Cafe Central, since it was 4pm. The line wasn't super long.
We tried the famous chocolate cake, goulash soup, and Vienna coffee
After our satisfied meal, we walked towards Stephansplatz, but we wander off to Michaelplatz.
Vienna is so beautiful, it's very walkable and the white buildings with it's historic charm kind of blow me away.

We finally arrived at St Stephen's Cathedral
There was a service inside
Beautiful interior

While we were there, we decided to purchase a last minute concert ticket at Palais Schonborn 

We grab dinner to go at Stopfer, this is a restaurant we kept coming back a few times since we love their schnitzel and vienna soup and salad

Mozart and Strauss concert to conclude the first day.

Day 2
We climbed the south tower of St Stephen's Cathedral... 343 steps to the top! It was worth it since we got to see the view and the glazed tiles up close
Today we did a walking tour, it's highly recommended for first time tour in Vienna since they give you lots of information on the city. We saw the famous anchor clock while walking around the old city.
Then we did an afternoon tour at Belvedere Palace
where we see the famous "The Kiss" by Klimt
Lastly, we had dinner at Figlmuller, where the famous schnitzel is located to end our day.

We traveled back from Budapest and stayed at different part of the city. Close to Opera House
We decided to purchase hop on and hop off bus so we can see the rest of the city.
Our first stop is Kahlenberg, where we passed wineries of Vienna and went to the top to see the view
Besides Figmuller and Cafe Central, Cafe Demel is the third must visit restaurant when in Vienna. We had their famous Annatorte (a chocolate cake) and it was divine!

That night, we did a night time bus tour.
Hotel Kaiserhof has one of the best breakfast, highly recommended
After breakfast, we went to Hundertwasserhaus, so unique!
Then we stopped by Prater to ride the world's oldest ferris wheel
And the views!
We stopped by Secession building. It was closed due to Easter holiday but the ornament outside is beautiful
That night we attended a Mozart and Strauss concert.
On our last day we decided to visit Naschmarket
Then we hop on the bus and head to Schonbrunn Palace..
A UNESCO site 1996. It was a hunting lodge in middle ages, then it is imperial summer residence of Habsburgs
We climbed up to Gloriette at the top of the hill
Beautiful fountain and wisterias
That afternoon, we went back for the interior tour. Photos are not allowed, but I was able to find this Great Gallery room on internet.
We ate lunch at Schonbrunn Palace, highly recommended.
On our last night, we attempt a standing ticket at Vienna Opera House. Lily couldn't get in because of dress code. Somehow, God was watching us. There was a men outside the opera house handed her a free ticket and told her to go to the side door.... Miracle happens, we saw the Beethoven opera! I got in for 3 euros and she paid nothing. What a wonderful night to end our trip!

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