Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Bedwell Bayfront Park/Great Spirit Path/Salt Pond

Bedwell Bayfront Park is the site of formal landfill. Kind of like Byxbee Park where there's art installation as well.

Great Spirit Path- large art installation

The poem reads as follows:

Evening good

Weather clear with stars.

I walk with the wind behind me

Inspired, with glad heart.


Discover many animals,

Grass, sun, canyons, and earth.

No hunger, war, no fear,

Making peace and strong brothers.

 Climb this way,

Over mountain or hill.

Go in four directions – 

Up, down, close, or far away,

To places hidden or bright,

Under rain or cloud, night or day,

Reaching to see

Birds, plants, water and trees,

As you walk this trail and cross this path.

 Rest here.

Talk here.

Flee your troubles to the sky

Holding firm to harmony, virtue and peace,

Barring evil,

Strong with wisdom and healing,

Reaching out with supplication

To the Great Spirit everywhere.

                           Copyright S.C.Dunlap 1985 

Salt Pond in Bay Area
The Bay Area has the right natural conditaions of sun & wind to create salt ponds. Tidal water rolls in, get trapped, and then evaporates, leaving behind salt. 

There are different types of microorganisms in the pools & they're the ones to thank for the crazy array of colors. 

The Ohlone people used to live in the Bay Area. The Spanish arrived, spread disease & abused the lands & people, eventually creating large salt harvesting ponds from the wetlands. Later, these were ponds were managed by Gold Rush settlers since salt was needed to preserve food. Eventually, the land was purchased by a big corporation who harvested over 16,000 acres of salt around South Bay. Just in 2003, they sold *most* of their ponds back to the state, but they kept a few and those are still easily visible from the air. 

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